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another big fire has broke out there by the same party driving the fire in the direction of our woods and timber.  Providence still has protected us and by the good management of Eli and William they kept that fire from injuring us.  Eli worked until 11 or 12 oclock at night it has caused them to lose a great deal time and injure their health too.  Is their no way to stop this firing.  Becka says if they stay here they shall reap no benefit.  She seems to be a perfect out law; she came here thursday and raved and sent on so I and my mother told her to leave here and not put  her feet on premises again.  She said she was free and would do as she pleased if Military will not take hold of her I will apply to civil.  She has fallen out with Eli and his wife  because they are too honorable and will not condescend to mean actions.  Becca under a false name drew her rations in Alexandria I understand; although she had a husband who was getting $30 a month in government service.  I only mention this which can be proved to shew you how false she is; she would condescend to anything I believe; She brags of having so much money at times and then says she has nothing.  Eli was in government service and can bring testimony from his employees of his good character for he lived honourably by his own exertion and always has and still wishes to do so  unmolested and will you do me the great kindness to put a stop to her proceedings.  She says no one shall come to help him work and in a going about telling thousands of lies on him.  She