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Adjutant General's Office
Boston, March 2, 1866

Major General Howard, 
Freedmen's Bureau, 
Washington, D.C.,

I have the honor to inform you that a gentleman of this city of high respectability, informed me this morning that he had just returned from a visit of observation to Richmond, City Point, and Petersburg. When at City Point he saw a number of colored Regiments, and was told that they were soon to be mustered out and paid and that several other Regiments were also to be at that place soon. He said that he found a number of Jew like men there who were waiting for the men to be paid that they might fleece them to the limit of their power. One of the modes by which it was to be done, was to buy up their certificates, and advance them money. He also learned that Capt. Trowbridge, agent of the boats which ply between