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I even tried the military. Who also refused after I had set the trap and had a confidential friend to arrange everything. And Still Captain Vanhice of the 17 us col Inft refused he would only have had to travel 6 miles to aprehend them These fellows still prowl through the Country boasting that they have never surrendered and never intend to. their names are Benj Furberville, William Furberville, William Saterfield and a fellow who resides in West Tennessee, whose name I have forgotten... They are tools by which and through whom Rebels work Contraryness. There is ever disposition that can be conceived of to thwart the workings of the bureau If anything is rong on the part of the freedmen, I must do something, and when I attempt to right it every conceivable obstacle is thrown in my way. For Instance yesterday a prominent Citizen came in to my office and demanded a warrant of arrest for a freedman on a charge of Theft I ordered his arrest and an investigation, no sooner had I issued the necessary warant than they the same parties, carried the news to him to flee and off he went to evad the investigation the Same parties had instituted All of this was done for effect to make the impression among the Freedmen that the workings of the Bureau was against them to keep them from entering into written Contracts for the present year