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Before: me personally appeared Jim Butts, this day, and having been duly sworn deposes and says:

My name is Jim Butts, I live on the farm of Mr. Herman Wright, eight miles from Franklin on the Springfield road.

I saw three men in the morning on or about the last of August or 1st Sunday in September 1866.

One curly haired medium size the other two tall. I would know them if I saw them again. I don't know their names. My comrade George saw the men afterwards having Irwin Powell with them, his head bleeding very badly.

One of the men's names was Hester, another Martin, another Price. They are the same men as killed Irwin Powell. They told me I would have to have $500. when they came around again, but that I would now have to pay $2.72, to pay my Poll tax. They took 15 cents from my nephew George and his pocket book, but there was nothing more than the 15 cents in it. They said to George that they saw me in the morning, that is how I know