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on horses passed by the School House uttering threats of their intention to visit the School at night. They made their appearance according to their promise. They found a crowd of adults & marched in solid column on the School ground, as for a Battle, gave three cheers for Jefferson Davis and three for the KuKlux. - After they done this they dismounted, told the col'd people to hide themselves, hunt their holes &c; the women and children because frightened at these unexpected guests, they commenced screaming and run.

These men were not in disguise at all, and some of the colored men to my astonishment made their appearance on the ground armed with such old muskets as were not yet stolen from them by this nightly Klan. The col'd men being well skilled in Tactics surrounded their enemies, took them into custody, and would have marched them to Pulaski, but owing to their pitiful begging for mercy