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Report of an investigation of the cause, origin and results, of the late riots in the city of Memphis, made by Col. Charles A. Johnson Inspector General State of KY and Tennessee and Major J.M. Gilbreth A.D.C. to Maj. Genl. Howard, Commissioner Bureau R.F.A Lands.

The remote cause of the riots as it appears to us, is a bitterness of feeling which has always existed between the low whites and blacks both of whom have long advanced rival claims for superiority,- both being as degraded as human beings can possibly be. 

Thousands of these ignorant whites and blacks are employed in the city as Hackmen, Porters, Draymen &c; while men equally as ignorant and degraded are employed as policemen; who have taken every occasion to trample upon the negro. 

This feeling of hatred for the negro race has been fostered especially during the last year by the more intelligent portion of the community and the incendiary and inflammatory articles which have appeared in certain local newspapers from day to day for months past. 

In addition to this general feeling of hostility there was an especial hatred among the city police for the Colored Soldiers, who were stationed here for a long time and had recently been discharged from the service of the U.S., which was most cordially reciprocated by the soldiers. 

This has frequently resulted in minor affrays