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on the part of the civil authorities that any are meditated by them.

It happens the Sheriff of this county (P. M. Winters) endeavored to appease the mob on the evening of the 1st of May, but his good intentions were thwarted by a violent speech delivered by John C. Creighton City Recorder, who urged and directed the arming of the whites and the wholesale slaughter of the blacks.

This speech was delivered on the evening of the 1st of May to a large crowd of police and citizens on the corner of Vance and Causey Streets, and to it can be attributed in a great measure the continuance of the disturbance.

The following in the speech as extracted from the affidavits herewith forwarded marked "B" "That every one of the citizens should get arms, organize and go through the negro districts." and that he "was in favor of killing every God damned nigger"...."We are not prepared now, but let us prepare and clean out every damned son of a bitch of a nigger out of town"......"Boys, I want you to go ahead and kill every damned one of the nigger race and burn up the cradle."....

The effect of such language delivered by a municipal officer so high in authority, to a promiscuous and excited assemblage can be easily perceived. From that time, they seemed to act as though vested with full authority to kill, burn, and plundered at will.  The conduct of a great number of the city police, who are generally composed of the lowest class of whites selected without reference to their qualifications for the position, was brutal in the extreme.