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of the colored men, had just been paid off and discharged from the Army.

No dwellings occupied by white man exclusively were destroyed and we have no evidence of any white man having been robbed.

From the present disturbed condition of the freedmen in the district where the riot occurred it is impossible to determine the exact number of negroe killed and wounded.

The number already ascertained as killed is about (30) thirty; and the number wounded about fifty (50)  Two white men were killed viz. Stephens a policeman and Dunn of the Fire Department.

The Surgeon who attended Stephens gives it as his professional opinion that the wound which resulted in his death was caused by the accidental discharge of a pistol in his hands. (See affidavit marked "B")

Dunn was killed May 1st by a white man through mistake (See affidavit marked "B")

Two others (both Policeman) were wounded, one slightly in the finger, the other (Slattersley) seriously.

The losses sustained by the Government and Negroes as per affidavits received up to date, amount to the sum of ninety eight thousand, three hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty five cents ($98,319.55/100)

Subsequent investigations will in all probability increase the amount to One hundred and twenty thousand

Transcription Notes:
Wasn't sure the word before Stephens a policeman. It looks like the 55 in $98,319.55 is over a 100.