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reached Shelby St. One of the negroes was armed with a Spencer rifle and fired it at one of the policemen. Soon after this I saw the soldiers returning back towards the fort and that is the last I saw of them during that day or night.

Wednesday the 2d inst I was in South St when a posse of policemen came up, between the houses of 9 & 10 AM  Everything was then and had been quiet all morning. No one was armed and there had not been any soldiers on the street during the morning. The police went up into the negro settlement and immediately after I heard firing like a skirmish

I went out & saw some negro bodies dead in the street two of whom I knew to be unarmed & peaceable men. I was called away soon after to dress the wounds of two cold men, near the same locality I was called to see a man whom the posse struck and shot twice, once in the head and once in the bowels, and then asked him if he was armed, they then searched his pockets & took his money.

I saw two others who were badly shot, also a girl named Ratchell who was shot in the mouth, the same