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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Dr. R. McGowen and being duly sworn deposes as follows.

My name is Dr. R. McGowen, I live on South Street near Causey. On the 1st day of May 1866. While at my place I heard shots fired and upon going to the door saw several Policeman (one named Carroll) running up the street away from the mob and when they arrived at the bridge one of the Policeman was shot - Did not see who shot him - I went to dress the wound while doing so the Police returned with an increased force and immediately upon their arrival they commenced firing upon the colored people indiscriminately. There were women and children amidst the colored people. I saw one colored man killed by the police on the bridge, he was running away from them at the time, I saw another colored man endeavoring to conceal himself, when the Police shot him and beat him over the head, he was left for dead. After night a colored soldier came to my house for protection, when a number of white men came along accompanied by Police - one white man entered