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Personally appeared before me the undersigned Dr. J N Sharpe and being duly sworn deposes as follows.

My name is J. N. Sharpe, I reside in Memphis, Tenn on Elliot St. I saw a crowd of white men principally police & Irish on the corner of Vance & Causey Sts. They started on the run up Causey towards Smith St I saw them shoot a negro in the bayou & one on the bayou bridge

I dressed the wounds of colored men. Some of whom I know had just come to town and were peaceable and had got mixed up with the crowd unawares. The same night (May 1) I had a negro carried home and dressed his wounds. Returning home I called at Dr. McGowan's Drug Store on the corner of South & Causey Streets.

Dr McGowan & myself were depricating the conduct of the police when a crowd of police & citizens came in, they cursed McGowan and said he was a damned scoundrel who had harbored negroes

They denounced "Yankees" and said not a damned one should live here. I started to go when they put a pistol to my head and said they were

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