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Before me personally appeared the undersigned George Todd who being duly sworn deposes as follows.

My name is George Todd. I live at No 18 Union St in the City of Memphis. On the evening of the 1st of May 1866 I heard John C. Creighton Recorder of the City deliver a speech to a crowd of men at the corner of Causey & Vance Sts in which he used the following language - Gentlemen "I am a brave man you know" (pulling out from his pocket a pistol) "there is as good a peice of Metal as any man dare wear in the state of Tenn by the God" "We are not prepared now but thus prepare ourselves and clear out every damn son of a bitch of a nigger out of town" At this the crowd gave three cheers for John C. Creighton. They then divided, part of them went up Causey the others up Vance. I went with the crowd going up Causey. On the east side of Causey between Linden & Beal they met a colored man returning form work. They said "There is a damn nigger shot him." and tried to mob him but he got away from them. A policeman in the crowd shot at him four times as he was running to get out of the

Transcription Notes:
1-21-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review