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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Kit Temple, and being duly sworn deposes as follows:

My name is Kit Temple. I live in the City of Memphis Tenn. No 51 Causey Street. On the night of the 2" of May 1866 a mob came to my grocery store, fired through the door broke it down came in and went to work carrying out all my goods. They started to Set the house on fire but Mr Carpenter (stops at the Delmontico) got them to stop it, He begged of them not to robb my store but they would not listen to him. I heard some of the Party call three of the men by the Name of Mike Cotton, Johnie Reed Capt of Fire Engine No 2 and Allen Young (white) I think Mr Carpenter would know some of the men my total loss will amnt to $600.45.

Kit Temple his X mark

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this the 8th day of May 1866

(Signed) M. Walsh
Capt and AAA Genl
and P M Freedman

True copy
F.W.H. Kendrick
Capt and Asst Insp. Genl

Transcription Notes:
1-21-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review