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Before me personally the appeared the undersigned Hannah Robinson and being duly sworn deposes as follows:

My Name is Hannah Robinson I live in the City of Memphis Tenn. on the night of May 2nd 1866 a party of men "I knew one of them to be a policeman named Dave Roach" came to the house occupied by myself and husband. Solon Robinson, broke in the door and demanded any fire arms that might be in the House.

My Son in Law Luc Pruniel told them there was no arms in the house, they then knocked him down he did no come to for two hours he was perfectly senseless from the blow. They took from my Husband $25.30/100 in money and his knife. my daughter was lying sick in bed. they broke down the bed. She was so frightened that in connection with her sickness she lived only three days thereafter dying on the 5th Inst. I know two of the men One was named Dave Roach a policeman and the other Joe Chambers the man we rent from he said he was along to keep them from burning his property. I heard his Sister (Mrs. Laudlen)

Transcription Notes:
1-21-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review Unsure what the dittos should be transcribed as in the 2nd paragraph Check punctuation before and after Solon Robinson