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Refer me personally appeared the undersigned Asberry Gibbons and being duly sworn deposes as follows. 

My name is Asberry Gibbons  I live in the city of Memphis Tenn  on the 2" day of May 1866 a party of nine or ten policemen took me prisoner and would have killed me if it had not been for Sheriff Winters, he prevailed on them not to do it - while they had me they robbed me of $300.00 in money and broke my trunk and took out of it & away about $50.00 worth of clothing - this was at the house where I was bording in South Street 

Asberry Gibbons his x mark

Subscribed and sworn before me at Memphis Tenn this the 8" day of May 1866
(Signd) Michl Walsh
Capt & AAAG 
& PM Freedmen

"True Copy"
F.M H. Kendrick 
Capt & A I Genl