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Before me personally appeared the undersigned James Sneed and being duly sworn deposes as follows. 

My name is Jane Sneed. I live in the City of Memphis Tenn. On or about the 3" of May 1866. about 3 oclock in the morning two persons white came to my house. One was named Callahan lives on corner of Causey & South Sts I saw them go around to the side of a house oposite mine, and when they came back the house was on fire. They then went away and came back again in a few minutes. When the woman of the house gave the alarm of fire they went away again. After they left, the woman of the house was found dead. In half an hour afterwards my house and all I owned was burned  My loss would amt to $500.00

Jane Sneed her x mark

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this the 5" day of May 1866
(Signed) M. Walsh
Capt and AAAG
and P.M.F.

True Copy
F.M H. Hendrick
Capt & A.I.G.