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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Lucy Beeman and being duly Sworn depose as follow My name is Lucy Beeman I live in the City of Memphis Ten. On the night of the 3" of May 1866 three men came to my house on the plea of searching for fire arms They broke open my trunk took a watch worth $45.00 and knife worth $1.00 then blew out the light and left. I missed many things after they were gone My loss would amt to 60.00

Lucy Her x Mark Beeman

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this the 9" day of May 1866

(Signed) M. Walsh
Capt V.R.C. & P.M.F.

True Copy
F.W.H. Kendrick
Capn & A.I.G.

Transcription Notes:
1-21-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review