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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Robert R. Church and being duly sworn deposes as follows:

My Name is Robert R. Church. I live at 132 Monroe St keep a Saloon on Desoto St.

On the 2" of May 1866 a number of persons jumped on a colored man near my place and abused him very badly He ran into the Saloon - they followed him and said "Close the door" but in the place of closing the door they commenced shooting - One shot took effect inn my arm and one in my neck - they then drunk all the whiskey they wanted too a lot of cigars. I do not know how many - also some money - Two of the Policeman were named Dave Roach and Shelby. On May 1st 1866 I saw Policeman No 144 Strike a Colored man with a revolver knocked him down and beat him unmerciful This man Dave Roach (Policeman) was along but did not offer to interfere.

Loss $750.00

Robert R. His x Mark Church

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this the 7" day of May 1866
M. Walsh
Capt. and A.A.A.G. & P.M.F.

True copy
F.W.H. Kendrick
Capn & A.I.G.

Transcription Notes:
1-21-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review