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Before me personally appeared the undersigned John Cole and being duly sworn deposes as follows

My name is John Cole  I am employed on the Steamer Mollie Hambleton  on or about the 1st of April 1866, I left with Becky Pleasant a trunk belonging to myself for her to take care of for me  in that trunk I had three watches and a pocket Book containgin $25.00 in greenbacks & $300 in silver  these articles were in a little Blue Cotton Bag together with some notes and accts and a receipt for my discharge papers which I had left with a claim agt to draw my bounty. About 4 Oclock PM to day she sent her husband for me stating that the policemen had been in my trunk and taken away some of the articles it contained. I immediately went to her house, but the police had gone. I examined my trunk and found missing the watches & articles before mentioned

John Cole his x mark
