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Personally appeared before me Hudson Groves and having been duly sworn deposes and says ;

My name is Hudson Groves, I live in Mitchellsville Sumner Co. Tenn. 

My uncle Hudson Perdue told me that Moyee and Harper came up to the grave, where he was burying his child and asked him, what he was doing there. He replied that he was digging his childs grave. You damned rascal, I am going to kill you. Perdue asked him why. I never did anyone any harm, what do you want to kill me for. With that Moyee drew his pistol and shot him. This occurred about June 1866. There was a white man at the grave named William Haldy, who saw the whole transaction. Moyee made Hudson Perdues wife go back and leave Ray as well as her daughter Jennie, they are living with him yet. In October 1866, at old Camp Trowsdel about 2 1/2 miles from Mitchellsville three men came to my house. I went to my door and opened it. I called my dog to keep him off them, they said to me halt. I said, I was not going to run. 

They said you damned son of a bitch, what are you doing here. I said I was living here and doing the best I could. At that Tom Morrow said I will kill you and the