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State of Tennessee } S.S.
County of Maury  

Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in & for the State County aforesaid Owen Grundy Cold who being duly sworn according to law says, that he lives on the Shelbyville pike just outside the Corporation limits of Columbia, that on the evening of the 20th of January 1868, a party of seven mounted, armed and undisguised men calling themselves 'KuKlux' rode up to his (Owens) door. one of them called to him (Owen) for water for his horse and upon being told there was a creek which was near and free, jumped from his horse drew a bowie knife and made after him (Owen) who ran. during which time the man called to Owens wife in an indecent manner ofering her five dollars for her person. She ran for the fire shovel and he seeing her determination, desisted from his attempt. after making many threats to gut her with his Bowie Knife. 

Sworn to and subscribed before one this 21st day of January 1868. 
Owen his X mark Grundy 

S D Herndon JP