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State of Tennessee 
County of Davidson

Personally appeared before me Pink Harriss who being duly sworn deposes and says: That he lives in Giles County State of Tennessee on "Bradshaw Creek" that on the night of the 30th day of June 1868, he being then employed by Mr Zack Smith and Jessie Neill, as a teamster and farmer, and being then sleeping in their barn said barn was surrounded by a body of disguised and armed men who began firing their pistols which woke him up; that owing to threats having been made by the KuKlux Klan to kill him, he at once jumped up and run to get out of their way, that while running several pistol shots were fired at him, one taking effect in his left side passing nearly through and lodging under the skin near and above his left breast.

Deponent further says that it is generally understood and repeated that the KuKlux Klan are preparing to kill or drive away all the colored men who were soldiers in the Federal Army or were ever connected with it in any way.