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Personally appeared before me this day Friday Odam and having been duly sworn deposes and says

My name is Friday Odam  I live in Saundersville Sumner Co. Tenn. I left Nashville on the three o'clock train for Saundersville on Aug 20" 67 and found my father in law Nelson Franklin, his wife and my wife with brother in law Gus at home. 

We retired to bed about 10 oclock and a little before the Freight train came down which is about 11 oclock, two white men came to the door and asked admittance. My father in law's wife Martha answered "Who is there?", they said "a friend", she then waked up the old man. He said he would not let anyone into his home unless they told their name. They then said they were friends and they wanted something to eat as they were waiting for [[crossed out]] a friend [[/crossed out]] the train. He replied that they could not come in unless he knew their names. They replied that they would burn the house down unless he let them in. My wife Margrette told me to get up as some person wanted to get in. I walked across the room towards the window where the smallest of these men ran around