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Personally appeared before me this day Rachel Ray alias Perdue and having been duly sworn deposes and says.

My name is Rachel Ray. I live at Raly Rays 3½ miles from Mitchellsville Station on the road east from here.

My husband Hudson Perdue was killed at Ely Perdues about 5 miles from here - About nine months ago, one man came to my house his name was Seanne Moye. Towney Perdue says it was Moye, she lived with me, he Moye came back and said open the door we did not open it, he pushed the door open himself. He called Hudson and told him to come to him he was not going to hurt him. He then took him out opposite the widow Perdue's and shot. I heard him shoot him. He ordered me back to my former master Raly Ray. I never saw him burried as I had to come here right away. I do not know who burried him. I and my daughter have to work for our clothes and food.

Rachel her x mark Perdue 

Sworn and subscribed before me this