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Personally appeared before me this 13th day of December 1866 and having been duly sworn deposes as follows

My name is C. O. Plimpton formerly Captain Battery G 1st. Ohio Artillery, On Saturday 8th day of December 1866, a difficulty occurred between a white man named Miller and a negro man named Allen got into some little difficulty. The white man came into Carhely store and took from it several bricks for the purpose of hitting the negro with this. The negro in self defense took a Brick and struck the white man with the brick. The negro man ran away and then the citizens followed him some with an axe helve some with Knives others with Revolvers and called for his life. The Marshal then took him down to the court house and had him tried, before the Mayor Mr Helms.

The negro was acquitted and the white man fined $2.00, As the negro left the Court House, the young man Miller attacked him with a Club and struck him over the Head

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