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not find them. One of them came into the house went to my brothers bed and said to him God damn you do you know me. he replied no sir. he then said this is Colonel Kasper - he told him to cover himself up and not look at him any more during the night. He told my Mother the same thing. He then commenced picking out of our trunks all the fine things such as clothes &c and put them outside the house. He then set fire to the balance of the things in the house when it burned up.

They then made my father turn his back to them so that they could shoot him asking him at the same time where his money was. He told them he had none. They then took sticks and beat him for a length of time. One of them then took my sister Mandy about 12 years old down into the wood the other two followed they kept her there about ½ an hour and whist then ravished her one after the other. They then left and went to my fathers sisters house and robbed her of everything. One of them was going to ravish her daughter Elizabeth but one of the other men told him not and he desisted. They asked my Aunt if she knew where Simon Woodhull was. She said yes. They then asked where he lived she told them. They said thats what we want. We will burn the damned house up and before many days we will be back and burn yours also. I think these men were the same men that came the first