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column 1

If you start at the top of the steps and move down to your right, you find yourself in Golden Gate Park. As you take the first step observe that the sun does shine here, skepticism of summer visitors to the contrary. He is shown on the rim, sporting a bow tie, eagerly burning away the fog. Before his cheerful presence a carefree couple, obviously natives who have faith in his ability, have come prepared with blanket, towel, book and radio. A frog examines their strange shoes.

column 2

On the wall of the drum near the top step you enter the Japanese Tea Garden. The 18th century statue of Buddha sits serenely on the hill presiding over the antics of the procession of humans who scale the moonbridge. Next comes the Music Concourse with a Sunday afternoon concert in progress for the strollers among the plane trees. Near the bottom begins the parade of automobiles and cyclists along Kennedy Drive. They continue past the Conservatory, purchased for the park from the estate of pioneer James Lick in 1878.


Transcription Notes:
page numbered 6 page contains images