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Ruth Asawa 

4th floor

12:00 Thursday at museum
Karen Sujimoto

Opens tonight
28 p. catalogue & cover
bio sketch

Albert Lanier
Ruth Asawa

Jap fam. internment
res in Mil.
Albers, Black Mt  [[?]]

(415) AT 29277
1116 Castro St.

23 yr retrospective
7 sections -
1st stage 10 pieces  woven wire  

(Everything in her control)

how big?
30 X 135  
from 1' to 12'
55 Metal sculptures
100 life masks
40 drawings - water colors
1 print
1 photo 

(can be reduced to sculpture or in other ways)

Through July & into August

Transcription Notes:
Josef Albers was at the center of things at Black Mountain College from the time he arrived in 1933 to his departure in 1949.