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Rock Island, Illinois
May 15th 1866.

Major General O. O. Howard,
Commissioner of Freedmens Bureau
Washington D.C.


In conformity with Sp. Orders No 201. A.G.O. dated Washington D.C. May 1st 1866 (just received) I have the honor to report for assignment for duty.

From the enclosed letter from Wm Prescott Probate Judge of Sangamon County Ills. to Hon S. M. Calem M.C. through whom I intended to apply for a position in the Freedmens Bureau; you may perceive, that I am aquainted some, with the Military laws, Cittg on Contracts etc; and I should be happy, if it might be any use use to the government.  

Very respectfully
Your most obedient Servant
J. Amrein Captain