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to which the public eye has not been so specially directed, or the hand of private charity so generously extended. These call loudly for immediate relief.

Hitherto the agents have endeavored to restrict the issue to the most destitute, and have not issued to persons who owned property. There are large numbers who own small homesteads in poor land, who are destitute of food or the means of obtaining it, and feel the suffering pangs of hunger quite as keenly as those who never owned a shelter.

Gentlemen of prominence, whose integrity cannot be questions, send up the most earnest and touching appeals for an increase of the supply of food for the destitute, and represent, in language not to be mistaken, the wretched and suffering condition of their people. The statements of Probate Judges and County Agents, and I may add my own observation fully confirm the great necessity for increased relief. This destitution, which has so rapidly increased since January, must continue to increase rather than diminish until something can be realized from the present growing crops.