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getting intoxicated I am ignorant of. It could not have have been from observation, for I was at Smithfield, forty miles from Norfolk

I have been informed by Capt Flagg that the letter on which my dismissal was based was strictly private, and that he did not have the remotest idea that it would be used against me. he also states that he has written to your Department, making the same statement.

There was no Court Martial or any other form of trial, the first information I had of there being any such charges against me being the receipt of the order.

In view of these facts, (which I am confident examination will prove true) I would respectfully request that I be reinstated, so if that is impossible, that I be honorably mustered out. I have served four years and a half in the army, three as a private.

Hoping this will receive your favorable consideration I am

Very Resptly your obt Servt
W. L. McDaniel
Ex-2d Lt. 15" V.R.C