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at Wilmington, be immediately relieved from duty and ordered to report in arrest to Major General Ruger, Commanding the Department of North Carolina, who will receive instructions in regard to their trial as soon as charges can be prepared against them by the Judge Advocate Genl.

If the following named persons are in the employment of the Bureau they will in like manner be relieved and ordered to report in arrest to the Department Commander:- 
Rev. Horace James of Massachusetts, Agent, (without pay) of the Bureau in Pitt County, also his clerk named Boyden.
Mr. Winthrop Tappan of Maine.
Mr. Potter, said to be interested with Captain Seely, and Mr. Brooks, said to be interested with Captain Rosekrans, in cultivating plantations.
Also a brother of Captain Rosekrans said to be employed in the Commissary Department.

You will please report your action in this matter for the information of the Secretary of War.

I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Yr obdt. servant
E D Townsend
Assistant Adjutant General.