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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A. L.  
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. State of N.C. 
Raleigh May 21st 1866.

Maj. General O. O. Howard

     In compliance with your order dated May 16" 1866 to "report upon the heads of General Steedman and Fullerton communication to the Secretary of War" enclosed, I have the honor to present the following statements. 
     Having heard of the arrival of Generals Steedman and Fullerton, in this city, I called on the morning of April 24th at the hotel where they were stopping, but not finding them I returned to my office. About two oclock P.M. they came in and remained with me nearly half an hour. My books and papers were freely offered for their inspection but they were content with a summary of statistics from my monthly reports. No examination was made of my method of conducting the business of the Bureau, nor of the condition of it finances. The Head Quarters of the Central District embracing nineteen counties were not inspected, nor were those of the Sub-District of Raleigh, embracing Wake and three other Counties, as the following statement of the officers in charge shows. 

Raleigh N.C. May. 14." 1866 
Bvt Brig. Genl. E. Whittlesey  
Asst. Comr. Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
State of North Carolina 