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From the foregoing correspondence, it must be clear to any candid mind that there was no attempt and no wish on my part to deny any fact or to conceal any thing from Genl. Steedman, as is implied (thought not directly charged) in his report. What I did deny and meant to deny, and do still deny, is the charge which the first question involves, that any officer connected with the Freedmen's Bureau, is engaged in "cultivating," or managing farms, in any proper meaning of those words, or devoting his time to any private business. The fact that an officer has invested his  money in a farm, or any other business, does not prove that he is in person, managing that business. I am owner of stock in a Rail road in the State of Maine, and in another in Wisconsin, but though thus "interested," I am not running either of those roads. I own a little (and would be glad to own more) United States Government Stock; but I am not "running" the U.S. Treasury, though thus "interested" in its management. No more am I "working" a farm, because I have invested money in the cultivation of one, and have thus become an "interested partner" therein. As in the one case, so in the other. I have confidence in those who manage the business, and my own time and strength have been devoted faithfully to my public duties. 
It is pleasing to find in the report of the Commissioners 