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The concluding remarks of the "report" under the heads of "Evils of the System" and "Arbitrary power of the Bureau" contain conjectures rather than facts. It is not charged but hinted that the Asst Commissioner has made "the most stringent labor regulations" and has attempted to "secure a low rate of wages" to the great detriment of freedmen".
Were this true, it would be difficult to see, how such action would bring them into "competition with the citizens who are employing freedmen" But the facts are directly the reverse of these hints. Though importuned by citizens to make labor regulations and fix the rate of wages, I have steadily refused to issue any orders on that subject beyond the requirements that freedmen should be free to make their own bargains and should be taught everywhere the nature and obligations of contracts. The rate of wages, it has been constantly affirmed must be governed by the law of supply and demand. In some parts of the State labor is worth more than in other sections, No rule or order would be just to all sections alike.
As to the "Arbitrary power of the Bureau" it need only to be said that it is military power which can never be justified except upon the plea of necessity. The single