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organizing and maintaining 121 schools with 152 teachers and 10606 scholars. The real work of the Bureau which has taxed the energy and the patience of all connected with it to the utmost, they pass by unnoticed, and direct their entire efforts to the discovery of faults - and after all their fancied discoveries, they make no distinct and open charges, but content themselves with insinuations and conjectures which seem intended to defame officers whose record has hitherto been honorable and who in no respect are inferior to the "Commissioners" but in rank.

As the change recommended in the conclusion of the "report" has already been ordered, I will only say that my earnest desire is that it may greatly increase the efficiency and usefulness of the Freedmen's Bureau.

Very Respectfully
(Signed) E. Whittlesey.
Bt. Brig. Genl Vols.

Actg. Asst. Adjt. General.