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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

The arrival of "Head Centre Stephens" at New York, amid the acclamations of the Fenians suggests what joyous shouts would have resounded in the commercial emporium of the continent if, at the moment the Irish refugee stepped upon our soil, Head Centre Stevens of Congress had embarked for a foreign strand. How strikingly these two men represent antagonistic policies! According to our traditional humanizing system, this country is a temple of refuge for those who are proscribed under monarchical forms for State offences. And more charitable, merciful, and forgiving still - our codes have not for obnoxious disturbers even the mild remedial agency of the writ of ne exeat regnum. Sovereigns that the people esteem have a style of ridding a nation of the hated domination of a prime minister suggesting that his labors are too exacting - too harmful to his precious health - and that the necessity of country air is imperative. A good man - a wise statesman - is, from necessity, raised to the exalted position thus vacated to the general joy. Who will say that if our "Head Centre Stevens," who holds much the same relation to our legislation and to politics as does a prime minister in England - as did a Castlereagh, for instance - was defeated upon a "test vote of confidence" in our House of Commons, as he assuredly would be if a secret ballot could be had - who will say, we repeat, that our head of the Government, our ministry, our parliament, and our people would not rejoice with an exceeding great joy - not alone the Southern people, who are men- 

"HEAD CENTRES" Contrasted.
the arrival of "Head Centre Stephens" at New
, amid the acclamations of the Fenians, suggests 
what joyous shouts would have resounded in commercial emporium of the continent if, at 
the moment the Irish refugee stepped upon our 
Head Centre Stevens of Congress had em- 
-ed for a foreign strand. How strikingly these men represent antagonistic policies! According to our traditional humanizing system, this -try is a temple of refuge for those who are pro-ed under monarchical forms for State offenses. more charitable, merciful, and forgiving still - eofes have not for obnoxious disturbers even the remedial agency of the writ of ne exert reg-
Sovereigns that the people esteem have -vle of ridding a nation of the hated domination prime minister by suggesting that his labors too exacting - too harmful to his precious health and that the necessity of country air is imperative. A good man-a wise statesman-is, from necessity, raised to the exalted position thus va-d to the general joy. Who will say that if "Head Centre Stevens," who hold much the -e relation to our legislation and to politics as a prime minister in England - as did a Castle/ Though, for instance - was defeated upon a "test vote