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The Lottery Black Mail Case.
Recantation of Scott.

City and Country of New York, ss.:

Lyman B. Scott, of New Jersey being duly sworn, says that on the 1st day of May, 1866, he made an affidavit against the lottery managers; that such affidavit was made and action commenced at the request of one Marcus Cicero Stanley. That in said affidavit deponent charged that the said defendantst fraudulently obtained money from him for lottery tickets and policy slips. That deponent also in said affidavit stated that he had been recently informed and believed, and expected to be able to prove, that said drawings of said Kentucky Lotteries, instead of having been lawfully and fairly drawn, had been falsely and fraudulently drawn, or when fairly drawn, the numbers drawn fraudulently suppressed and others substituted in their place, with a view of cheating, and defrauding, etc.

And this deponent further says, that he had no personal knowledge of any of the changes above stated in said affidavit. That all his knowledge was derived from information received by him of said Stanley. That at the time he made said affidavit, and commenced action, he was not aware of the character of said Stanley, but that since making the same he has fully ascertained that said Stanley is a person of very bad reputation, and has been convicted and sentenced to prison for crime of larceny. That had deponent known his character, and that he would have to rely on such evidence to prove his case, he would not have instituted this action. And deponent further says, he is now satisfied that the object of said Stanley in inducing deponent to commence this action was, that he, said Stanley, might levy black mail on those persons who were engaged in the business. 

And this deponent further says, that he makes this statement voluntarily, and without reward or the promise of reward, and solely as a matter of justice to those whom he is now satisfied that he has wronged by the statement heretofore made by him. 

Sworn before me this 8th day of May, 1866.
Notary Public, New York City.
New York World.
