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posing certain amendments to the Constitution,_ 
provision that the Representatives and Senate
from such States as adopted the amendments should 
be at once admitted to their seats.

After these amendements are adopted, if they
adopted, then the question will come up, whether
the particular individuals claiming seats are

That is the question we insist which should
decided now. 

Certain persons are here claiming seats in 
gress, and, in violation of all the practice of
past, of every precedent, of the spirit of the Constitution, each House persistently refuses to
tain the question of right.

This legal question; this question for the dec
of which each House by the Constitution is 
the sole "judge", this question, in the hig
sense a judicial question, each House, in violation
of its most scared duty, refuses to consider.

It is difficult to imagine a greater dereliction
duty. It is difficult to concieve of a greater
tion of the Constitution. Alas! what a moc
to talk of the Constitution, when those who
been chosen to administer to Government
who take an oath "to support the Constitution
refuse to consider the claims of theose Repres
tives and Senators deputed by many States to
ticipate in the great powers delegated to Con
by the Constitution!

We know that there are some people who
at the idea, "constitutional restrictions," b
are not of that class, for, if the Constitution 
vitality, hat security have we for any right!

Transcription Notes:
Some sections are cut off. Some words cannot be transcribed correctly.