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The M.I.T. Paperback Series

Computers and the World of the Future, edited by Martin Greenberger (originally published in hard cover under the title Management and the Computer of the Future)  MIT 1

Experiencing Architecture by Steen Eiler Rasmussen  MIT 2

The Universe by Otto Struve  MIT 3

Word and Object by Willard Van Orman Quine MIT 4

Language, Though and Reality by Benjamin Lee Whorf  MIT 5

The Learner's Russian-English Dictionary by B. A. Lapidus and S. V. Shetsova  MIT 6

The Learner's English-Russian Dictionary by S. Folomkina and H. Weiser  MIT 7

Megalopolis by Jean Gottmann  MIT 8

Time Series by Norbert Wiener  MIT 9

Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations by Witold Hurewicz  
MIT 10

The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch  MIT 11

The Sino-Soviet Rift by William E. Griffith  MIT 12

Beyond the Melting Pot by Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan  MIT 13

A History of Western Technology by Friedrich Klemm  MIT 14

The Dawn of Astronomy by Normal Lockyer  MIT 15

Information Theory by Gordon Raisbeck  MIT 16

The Tao of Science by R. G. H. Siu  MIT 17

A History of Civil Engineering by Hans Straub  MIT 18

Ex-Prodigy by Norbert Wiener  MIT 19

I am a Mathematician by Norbert Wiener  MIT 20

The New Architecture and the Bauhaus by Walter Gropius  MIT 21

A History of Mechanical Engineering by Aubrey F. Burstall  MIT 22

Garden Cities of Tomorrow by Ebenezer Howard  MIT 23

History of Psychology by George S. Brett  MIT 24

Candidates, Issues and Strategies:  A Computer Simulation of the 1960 and 1964 Presidential Elections by Ithiel de Sola Pool, Robert P. Abelson, Samuel L. Popkin  MIT 25

Biological Order by Andre Lwoff  MIT 26

Nine Soviet Portraits by Raymond A. Bauer  MIT 27

Reflexes of the Human Brain by M. S. Sechenov  MIT 28

Human Learning by Robert L. Thorndike  MIT 29

Society in Communist China:  The Family, The Village by C. K. Yang  MIT 30