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which will restore grace and order to society. It is a period of pause in expectation of some renascence of art of which the premonitory symptoms grow more numerous and distinct with each year. I am hopeful in my lifetime of enjoying some measure of its realization. Dr. Gropius has been a pioneer of this movement. He has through the Bauhaus made a decisive contribution to its realization. This country may count itself fortunate in being able to entertain him in this period of transition and to secure his guidance. It might even seek to utilize his knowledge and ability in accelerating the changes that must come, not only in architecture itself, but even more in the teaching of architecture and of art in its widest acceptation.

Dr. Gropius rightly points out that the 'new architecture' begins by being stark and formal, and seeks norms or standards. This is a reaction from the welter of copying and adaptation of styles which have ceased to have significance in relation to modern building. But this reaction has almost spent itself, and the new architecture is passing from a negative phase to a positive phase seeking to speak not only through what it omits or discards, but much more