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long to a Prussian family of architects in which the tradition of Schinkel- the contemporary as well as the 'opposite number' of your own Soane- was part of our heritage. This in itself helps to convince me that my conception of the role of the New Architecture is nowhere and in no sense in opposition to 'Tradition' properly so-called. 'Respect for Tradition' does not mean the complacent toleration of elements which have been a matter of fortuitous chance or of individual eccentricity; nor does it mean the acceptance of domination by bygone aesthetic forms. It means and always has meant, the preservation of essentials in the process of striving to get at what lies at the back of all materials and every technique, by giving semblance to the one with the intelligent aid of the other. 

The ethical necessity of the New Architecture can no longer be called in doubt. And the proof of this - if proof were still needed - is that in all countries Youth has been fired with its inspiration.