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First Class Permit No. 255 Minneapolis, MN

Postage Will Be Paid By Addressee

P.O. Box 369
Minneapolis, MN 55440

FREE Consumers' Guide to This Federally Tax-Exempt Money Fund!
Since 1894

Call or Write for Your No-Cost Kit About the IDS Tax-Free Money Fund and Get

A Fact Book that explains how a tax-free* money-market Fund can pay 100% Federally tax-exempt yields.

An Informative Prospectus that explains your free drafts for "checkwriting" access, the goal of a Constant $1 Share Price and NO sales charges.

An Investment Profile Report - and More!
*A portion may be subject to state and local taxes

Mail this Card or Call Toll-Free 1-800-IDS-IDEA

For more complete information, including management fees and expenses, please write or call for a Prospectus. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.

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That's TOLL-FREE 1-800-437-4332.

If it's impossible to change jobs, there are less drastic ways to rekindle your drive. "Try writing down why you came to work at that company," says Veninga. "A lot of people have forgotten the sense of joy that they first had when they took the job, and this exercise helps them to refocus." For some, a vacation in Europe may help, but those who feel guilty about their boredom will probably waste the extensive free time fretting. Says Veninga, "It's more effective for someone like that to take a four-day weekend several times a year."

A question that Williamson often hears is "Should I tell my boss I'm bored? Her reply: "Yes, but not in those words. Talk about your strengths, better uses of your time, and your need to contribute more to the organization." Ask for a tougher project, and see if there's any way to have a few of your more humdrum tasks reassigned. "Often about 25 percent of what a person does during work could be delegated - or doesn't need to be done in the first place," says Veninga. "Getting rid of those things can restore the pleasure of the job."

Another tactic is to cultivate sideline interests at work. Stringing for the company newspaper, holding a seminar after work, or getting involved in employee associations or professional organizations can give you a fresh perspective on the familiar gray corridors. If you've been sitting around too much, exercise can relieve the fatigue that often accompanies boredom. "A brisk jog several times a week may be all that's necessary," says Veninga.

If all else fails, you can simply quit - which may not be such a terrible thing. "People often ask me how they can tell when a job is hopeless," says Veninga. "I tell them, if the job is destroying your health or your friendships, it's time to get out. There's no excuse for letting job boredom ruin your life."


By Colleen Sullivan
Macmillan, $13.95

As its title indicates, Colleen Sullivan's book covers only the basics - and therein lies its strength. Sullivan, a syndicated financial editor of The New York Times, translates the government jargon of a mutual fund prospectus into English and highlights the points to look for. She also discusses the differences among the various types of funds, explaining how each kind fares under diverse market conditions. Finally, we learn some of the tax and retirement strategies available to money fund investors. A cross-referenced fund directory is included.

You may not think you need to bother with a money market manual now that fund rates hover at an embarrassing 8 percent. But should the growing federal deficit refuel inflation, money market returns will no doubt skyrocket once again. Meanwhile, use the time to read this clear explanation of how to select the right fund.   - Carole Gould

FREE Consumers' Guide To This Federally Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund.


Call or Write for Your Free, No-Obligation Kit About The IDS TAX-FREE MONEY FUND and Get...

A Fact Book that explains how a tax-free* money-market Fund can pay today's 100% Federally tax-exempt yields - without any sales charges or "early withdrawal penalties."

An Informative Prospectus of The Fund's Many Advantages...explaining free drafts for "checkwriting" access, the goal of a Constant $1 Share Price and more.

An Easy-to-Read Investment Profile Report... and Much More.
*A portion may be subject to some state and local taxes

Mail the Coupon or Call... Toll-Free 1-800-IDS-IDEA
... That's TOLL-FREE 1-800-437-4332.
IDS, IDS Tower, P.O. Box 369, Minneapolis, MN 55440
For more complete information, including management fees and expenses, please write or call for a Prospectus. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.

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State    Zip   Tel.

Circle Number 42 on Reader Service Card

February 1984/Savvy 27

Transcription Notes:
On the let page I transcribed only the IDS ad card; rest of this page is shown and transcribed in full on page 15