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The city authorities will doubtless [demure?]- what then? I would say compel the payment of all damages occasioned by the riot in the following manner.  Let a Military Receiver for the City be appointed to whom all funds shall be paid for privileges  i.e licenses &c. Let the Military Receiver remain on duty until all damages caused by the riot are fully paid- Nothing but a  prompt rigorous course under Martial law will convince the people that the government is in earnest in protecting the freedmen- The tax-payers must be made to feel it or or our own School-houses will be burned down as fast as we can erect them- The negro hating population should be made to understand that burning the houses & school-houses of freedmen is a luxury too expensive for frequent indulgence-

I am more and more convinced that chiefly to the rabid press of Memphis maybe charged the blood of the late victims.  The

Transcription Notes:
if you don't know a word, put [?], don't just leave a space. The [?] makes it easier for the next person to find what words to help with.