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made by several negroes to rescue their comrades.

The police fell back, when a promiscuous fire was indulged in by both parties

During the affray one police Officer was wounded in the finger, another (Stephens) was shot by the accidental discharge of his pistol in his own hands and afterwards died.

About this time the police fired upon unoffending negroes remote from the riotous quarters.  Colored Soldiers, with whom the police first had trouble had returned in the meantime to Fort Pickering

The police was soon reinforced and commenced firing on the colored people, men, women, and children - in that locality, killing, and wounding several.  Shortly after the City Recorder (John C Creighton) arrived upon the ground (corner of Causey & Vance Streets) and in a speech which received three hearty cheers, from the crowd there assembled, counciled and urged the whites to arm and kill every negro and drive the last one from the city, &c  Then during the night the negroes were hunted down by police, firemen and others while citizens shot, assaulted, robbed, and in many instances their houses searched under the pretense of hunting for concealed arms, plundered and then set on fire; during which no assistance as far as we can learn was offered by the negroes.

A white man by the name of Dunn