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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Eli Anderson and being duly sworn deposes as follows

My name is Eli Anderson.  I live in the city of Memphis Tenn on the 2nd day of May 1866 as I was going to my brother I met a party of men, part of them on horses who demanded of me my money, some said "don't ask him for it - take it from him" they threw me down and took from me $35.00 they then turned me loose, some said shoot me.  others said no let him get a start first and we will see him fall, I started and got some seventy-five yards from them where he fired, some six or seven shots at me.  one took effect in my arm, some of them had on belt No 7 Engine Company the man who got my money had on one of these belts.

Eli his X mark Anderson

Subscribed and sworn to before me at Memphis Tenn this the 11th day of May 1866
Mich'l Walsh
Capt & AAAG
& PM Freedmen

True copy
F.M.H. Kendrick
Capt & A.I. Genl.