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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Shack Robinson and being duly Sworn deposes as follows,

My Names is Shack Robinson  I live in the City of Memphis Ten. On or about the 2nd of May 1866 during the riot in the City of Memphis Ten About 12 oclock at night a number of persons Came to the house occupied of myself and Horace Whitley as a Saloon and set fire to the building  Myself and two other men tried to put out the fire but they Commenced shooting at us and said "god damn you" go away and let the fire alone and did wound one man Jim Gallaway  The house and everything in it was burned up with $52.75 in money loss was about five Hundred dollars  they also burned the house of Heary Perkins joyning mine

Shack his x mark Robinson 

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this the 4th day of May 1866.
(Signed) M. Walsh
Capt & A.A.A.G. & P.M. G.

True Copy
F.M.H Kendrick
Capt & A.I. Genl.