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Before me personally appeared the undersigned G.C. Worset who being duly sworn deposes as follows. 

My name is G.C. Worset. I live at No 153 Union Street. On Wednesday the 2d of May 186, I saw a Negro arrested by the Police near the junction of main and South Sts, and while having him in charge of the Policemen named McCormick struck the Negro over the head with his Carbine breaking it in three pieces, and felling the Negro to the ground.  At this the crowd shouted Kill him, shoot him &c.  The negro was shot three times before being knocked down, and at the time was holding up his hands begging for mercy and protection.  After he fell his body was fired into some half a dozen times by different persons unknown to me, McCormick appeared to be a leader of the rioters, and was afterwards congratulated by those who participated in it. 
G.C. Worset

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of May 1866.
(signed) Samuel Walker
Bvt Capt & AAA G VC

A true copy
FMH Kendrick
Capt and A.I. Genl.