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Before me personally appraised the undersigned, Avon Smith and being duly sworn deposes as follows, My name is Avon Smith, I live in the City of Memphis Ten. On the night of the 4" day of May 1866, three white men came to my house on a plea of hunting for arms, when they found I had none they asked me if I had any money, I told them I had a little. They told me to hand it over, which I had to do. The amount was $15.00 I can identify one of the men. One of them is a policeman.

Avon Smith his x mark

Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 10 day of May 1866
(signed) Michl Walsh
Capt & AAA Genl.
and Pro. Mar. Freedmen

A true Copy
F.M H Kendrick
Capt and A A I. Genl