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information of this kind is required to be given, yet the reports for April present no such cases of want. 

I have consulted with Generals Sheridan and Danby and Governor Wells in relation to this matter and they fully sustain me in the correctness of the statement that up to this time there have been no cases of destitution which the parish officers have not been abundantly able to provide for - It is true at the same time that the large charitable Institutions in this City have for some time received supplies of food from Maj. Genl. Sheridan, but their inmates are not of the class to which the inquiry relates.

Whilst making this report which must be gratifying, I must also state, the news is now coming in to us of extensive breaks in the levees and the inundation of a large portion of the State. Already 9 parishes are submerged and it is thought that in the end 13 will be flooded. The people in these districts will be compelled to move to higher localities. - Their crops will be destroyed and small animals drowned - The consequence must be very great suffering, and larger demands upon the parish authorities for assistance